November 10, 2021
Contact: Kimi Lee,
Protest is Part of a National Day of Action Targeting Corporate-Backed Sens. Manchin and Sinema Who Continue to Block Build Back Better
San Francisco, CA —On Wednesday, November 10, the Bay Rising alliance hosted a demonstration at Goldman Sachs’ San Francisco office to demand the Senate, specifically Sens. Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Sinema (D-Colo.) finally put people before profit and pass a strong Build Back Better Act. The protest is part of a national day of action with 6 events targeting corporations across the country who are spending billions to tank popular, progressive provisions in the social spending package that would deliver direct assistance to millions of struggling families and people. This action comes as the Senate takes up the Build Back Better Act after the House passed it last week.
“Polluters, pharmaceutical companies, and corporations like Goldman Sachs have poured billions into Congress to obstruct a popular agenda that would help millions in California,” said Bay Rising executive director Kimi Lee. “Senators Manchin and Sinema need to confront them instead of conspiring with them, and pass a strong Build Back Better Act as soon as possible. Our communities – communities of color, working people, regular Californians – can’t wait any longer.”
“California needs Build Back Better to pass!” said Bay Area resident Tracy Zhu. “These investments will provide new learning opportunities for children, help working parents make ends meet, create good paying jobs for residents of California, combat climate change, and give our kids cleaner air and water.”
“I’m here to underscore the importance that people are more important than corporations,” said former San Francisco supervisor David Campos. “Passing this bill is what the country needs at the moment as we combat these colliding economic, climate and public health crises.”
Recently, People’s Action released Behind the Curtain: The Corporate Plot to Upend Democracy, an incriminating report that revealed the depths of corporate disruption to President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.
Photos of the action may be found here and a live stream of the action may be found here.

Bay Rising is a growing alliance of community-led organizations across the Bay Area. We are the only regional civic engagement organization that organizes with working-class people and people of color as voters in the Bay Area year-round. Three local alliances anchor Bay Rising: Oakland Rising, San Francisco Rising and Silicon Valley Rising. Grassroots, community groups that organize communities of color, led by people of color, drive each of our local anchors. Our collective constituencies include tens of thousands of low-income and working-class immigrant, Black, Latinx, Asian, and Pacific Islander communities. Together, we support each other to increase voter turnout within our communities, educate voters, build the capacity to run electoral campaigns, and develop local leaders.