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Support Democracy Dollars for Oakland!

Posted on May 12, 2023

On May 1st, Mayor Sheng Thao released her 2023-25 Oakland budget proposal to address some of the Town’s most pressing issues and resolve the $360 million deficit that our Town is facing. While we are pleased to see investments in affordable housing and community safety, unfortunately, the proposed budget would eliminate adequate funding for the Democracy Dollars program until the 2026 election cycle.

We deserve a local government that listens to us and takes action to address the issues that affect us every day such as public safety, housing, and schools. Defunding Democracy Dollars until 2026 is not fair to voters, who showed their overwhelming support for a more transparent and accountable government during the November election by voting YES on Measure W (Fair Elections Oakland). Right now, this budget takes our city backward in terms of empowering regular Oaklanders by eliminating any public funding for election campaigns.

Oakland needs representatives who are chosen by communities, and not big money donors. That’s why we need your help to get funding for an initial rollout of Democracy Dollars in 2024. We can’t wait another election cycle for this measure to take effect. With this funding, we can ensure that Oakland voters will have more power over decisions that impact our communities—things such as affordable housing, community safety, and quality schools.

Can you contact your city council member today to urge them to provide seed funding for an initial rollout of Democracy Dollars in 2024? We’re making it easy for you to call, email, and speak out at your city councilmember’s budget town hall to show your support for Democracy Dollars:

We need your help to ensure that our Town’s budget reflects and meets the needs of Oaklanders. Please speak out and share why Democracy Dollars is important to you.

City Council must approve Oakland’s final budget by June 30th. By taking action today, you’ll help make sure that Oaklanders get results from local government on the things that matter most to our communities.

Category: Updates