Welcome! At Bay Rising, we know that we’ll pull through crises like COVID-19 when we pull together with community power and political power. That’s why we put together this searchable resource page, available to anyone who needs it. We hope you find it helpful.
Use the search options below, or scroll down to see all resources. Questions? Email us at info@bayrising.org! This resource portal is no longer being updated. If you want to learn more about the work that Bay Rising is doing check out: bayrising.org

Resources are available for all nine Bay Area Counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma). We have also listed some statewide and national resources.

Below are resources for youth and families with young children in your local area, including seniors, disabled folx and crisis support for survivors of domestic violence.
See more in our resources on Food Assistance & Supplies and Health & Mental Health Care.
All Resources
707/255.0966 ext.132
(415) 255-7693 (English) (415) 552-5637 (Tagalog)
(408) 350-3200, option 1.
(707) 784-1607
(408) 894-9041
You must: be a person with a significant disability or impairment, which limits their ability to function independently in their home community, or environment, or engage in employment;
be able to benefit from independent living services to achieve a greater level of independence; and
live or work in Santa Clara County, or be unable to receive independent living services that SVILC provides in your own county of residence.
San Francisco Unified School District high school students
Income based.
(408) 278-2193 or mariag@sacredheartcs.org (early childhood education or parenting support), (408) 916-5067 or mikev@sacredheartcs.org (after school or summer education)
(510) 374-3401
(707) 823-1640 Ext. 403
(415) 225 – 0165 (hotline), (415) 552-2943 (office)
(925) 692-2056
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
(415) 502-8336
Call or text (510) 535-4400 for Oakland and (415) 417-3501 for San Francisco.
support@midtownfs.org, (408) 642-5852
For ages 25 and under
Medical clinic: (415) 673-0911 ext. 259. Behavioral health: bhwellness@larkinstreetyouth.org
For ages 25 and under
careteam.homies@gmail.com or 510.485.2224
(510) 790-3366
or hfrc@heraldinternational.org
(510) 271-8443
(408) 538-0880
Landlines in Contra Costa, call toll free (800) 510-2020
Cell phones or outside Contra Costa, call (925) 229-8434
TDD line for the hearing impaired, call (925) 602-4198
(510) 548-4040
Alameda County, or Contra Costa Residents who are living with HIV. Income based.
(628) 217-5700
San Francisco youth ages 12 to 25, tailored to LGBTQ+, income requirements. If you live out of San Francisco you must pay out of pocket or have insurance that allows you to select your own doctor.
(415) 644-0504
(707) 308-4793
Low-income and immigrant families with children birth to 18-years-old,
Recently arrived unaccompanied children and families in San Francisco Immigration Court
1(877) 427-7134
Anyone aged 3 mos-18 years can visit the Breathmobile with a parent or guardian by appointment. You do not need to have insurance. There are no citizenship requirements.
800-551-5554 (legal advice line)
General: (408)341-6080, Crisis line: (408) 294-0579
650.424.0852 x108
(415) 822-1707
Youth 12-24. Youth need Medi-Cal or Healthy Families. Youth under 18 need permission from a parent or guardian.
(925) 513-6338 or knisen@brentwood.k12.ca.us
students in the independent study program
(408) 535-4299
(415) 306-0437 or immigration@canalalliance.org (immigration), or (415) 454-2640 (social services referrals)
(415) 782-1600, (415) 989-1616 (lawyer referral)
Income based
(415) 924-6616
(415) 526-7500
(650) 780-7500
(707) 542-1290 (General), info@legalaidsc.com
Must live or have a case in Sonoma County. Income based.
(707) 528-9941
(650) 558-0915
(408) 279-2962
(707) 938-5131
(800) 572-2782
For housing: For emergency intake, call during intake hours: Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri, 9am-11:30am or for non-emergencies, fill out https://www.lawfoundation.org/housing
For issues relating to children and youth, call (408) 280-2416. For health related issues, call (408) 280-2420 during intake hours- M-F, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
(800)488-9919 (general and youth after hours), (408)272-6518 (youth), (408) 794-0660 (prevention services)
(408) 809-2124
(408) 287-9710
(707) 784-7635, or after-hour crisis hotline (866) 487-7233
(866) 487-7233
(707) 643-0054
Calistoga, St. Helena, Yountville: (707) 965-5010 or efa@upvalleyfamilycenters.org Napa, American Canyon: (707) 363-8390, efa@onthemovebayarea.org
(707) 224-1786
(707) 302-9041 or (707) 286-9628
(707) 784-8050
(707) 253-4511, or (800) 464-4214
(408) 423-2077, or email nutritionservices@scusd.net.
eburke@srcs.k12.ca.us, 707-890-3807
Marin County residents and have at least 50% custody of a child under 18
(707) 251-9432 (Napa), (707) 579-4327 (Santa Rosa), (707) 917-5904 (Vallejo)
(650) 312-1968
510-343-6670 or info@dcara.org
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind, Hearing parent of Deaf child, or Child of Deaf Adults
(844) 762-8483
(877) 384-3578
(415) 557-5100
CalFresh and CalWORKs recipients
(510) 548-2884, staff@womensdropin.org
(415) 822-9404 ext. 4235
CalFresh and CalWORKs recipients
(415) 567 6255 (SF)
(510) 251 2846 (East Bay)
(877) 751-0880
(415) 969-6711
(800) 799-7233
(877) 503-1850 (adults), (877) 923-0700 (teens), or text at (415) 200-3575
(415) 647-7273
(855) 227-3640
(925) 676-5442
(800) 829-3777
Pregnant, a parent or a custodial guardian with a child 17 years old or younger
(415) 406-1370
(844) 415-2229, parentline@usfca.edu
(415) 441-5437
(415) 621-2929
(855) 378-4374 or text COVID to 55753
(510) 481-4566
Children 3-18 years old. Students from World and Achieve Academies, Urban Promise Academy (UPA) Middle School, and children from the wider Fruitvale community.
All students that attend schools in the La Escuelita Education Center are welcome to use the center including students from La Escuelita Elementary School, MetWest High School, Dewey High School, and Yuk Yao Annex/Centro Infantil Annex Child Development Center. Siblings of students can access all services, as long as the siblings are between the ages of 3-21. Health insurance is not required and all services are provided without charge to students.
(510) 428-3556
members of the community and Castlemont high school students
(866) 488-7386 or text START to 678678
(510) 839-0929
Oakland youth ages 12-24
(415) 538-3333
San Francisco residents age sixty and over and San Francisco residents with disabilities age eighteen to fifty-nine, regardless of income.

Below are government programs and independent funds that offer financial assistance to individuals or families impacted by COVID-19, including support for rent and for service workers who have lost their jobs and immigrants.
All Resources
recert@wvcommunityservices.org or 408-366-6092
Income and location based
Residents of Sunnyvale and Alviso neighborhood of San Jose
Graciela Ramirez 408.842.6662 x21
Income based
(408) 894-9041
You must: be a person with a significant disability or impairment, which limits their ability to function independently in their home community, or environment, or engage in employment;
be able to benefit from independent living services to achieve a greater level of independence; and
live or work in Santa Clara County, or be unable to receive independent living services that SVILC provides in your own county of residence.
hospitality workers
workforce.connection@sfgov.org or call 415-701-4817
Workers in San Francisco
Income based
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
info@northmarincs.org or 415-897-4147 ext. 0
Novato resident for six months. Your landlord or mortgage holder must be willing to accept a check from North Marin Community Services. Can show a temporary financial situation due to unanticipated circumstances or events. You are “very low-income” or “extremely low-income.” Check the HUD income limits to see if your household income qualifies.
programs@missionassetfund.org or 888.274.4808
(415) 473-2223
510-574-2028 (English. See website for phone numbers for the other supported languages. Your call will be returned if you have to leave a message.)
Landlords and tenants in Fremont. Income based.
Residents of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, income based.
925-825-3099 or 510-768-3100 or email us at housingservices@cceb.org
SPARE@OaklandCA.gov or leave a message at 510-238-2942
You must be the owner and occupant of the property, fill out the appropriate form, and submit with income documentation for the corresponding year. Measures D & Q have a higher income limit for Seniors 65 or older which requires age documentation.
Stanford community
(707) 652-7311
You must live in Fairfield, have suffered and be able to demonstrate a financial loss from COVID.
Income based.
(650) 968-0836 or renthelp@csacares.org
Mountain View residents below 120% Area Median Income impacted by COVID-19
housinginfo@sacredheartcs.org or call (408) 709-2364.
You must be a resident of Santa Clara county for 30 days and be a resident of one of the following zip codes: 95008, 95110, 95111, 95112 (South of Santa Clara Street), 95113, 95116, 95117, 95118, 95120, 95123, 95124, 95125, 95126, 95128, 95136
(408) 809-2124
(408) 755-7710
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
(707) 784-8050 (Fairfield), (707) 553-5000 (Vallejo), (707) 469-4500 (Vacaville)
legal permanent resident immigrants who have been denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits solely due to their immigration status.
Calistoga, St. Helena, Yountville: (707) 965-5010 or efa@upvalleyfamilycenters.org Napa, American Canyon: (707) 363-8390, efa@onthemovebayarea.org
(707) 224-1786
Marin County residents and have at least 50% custody of a child under 18
(707) 542-0998 or (707) 542-0981
Identification – Photo I.D. for all adults in the household and identification for all children residing in the household (i.e. birth certificate, Social Security card or Medical card).
Must provide proof of current address.
(510) 272-3700
Seniors 55+, people with disabilities, low-med income, foster youth, veterans, DV survivors, etc.
Phone: 415-701-5653
Email: seasonofsharing@sfgov.org
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
Call the Eviction Defense Center (EDC) at (510) 452-4541. Leave a message with
your name
phone number
and that you are Berkeley resident seeking assistance
Berkeley residents or Berkeley Shelter Plus Care/Rapid Rehousing tenants who are at imminent risk of losing their permanent housing.
The grant must prevent eviction or support housing related financial assistance due to loss of income during COVID-19 pandemic.
Household must be at or below 80% Area Median income.
Additional requirements can be seen here https://www.cityofberkeley.info/covid19-housing-retention/
(415) 470-5211
or edcradco@evictiondefense.org
San Francisco residents, income based. You must not be a Housing Authority tenant. Your household must have sufficient income to pay your future rent and expenses. You must plan to stay in your home for at least six months.
(855) 655-8724
Bartenders or spouses or children of bartenders
(404) 655-4690
Food & beverage service workers with children with one of the following:
Significant medical diagnosis or injury including COVID,
Death of an immediate family member (child or parent/legal guardian),
Loss of life or home,
Documented Domestic Violence
Service workers impacted by COVID-19
People who are employed by or own restaurants or bars, or are employed by a restaurant or bar supplier that are facing unforeseen expenses that cannot or will not be covered by insurance.
(800) 743-5000 (General)
based on income or employment status – check for more info

There are many mutual aid networks and other locally powered efforts to support people in need in our communities.
Below are resources for if you need help shopping, picking up medications, or protective supplies. You can also find your own resources through government and nonprofit databases, or get help navigating resources.
All Resources
(415) 255-7693 (English) (415) 552-5637 (Tagalog)
(408) 894-9041
You must: be a person with a significant disability or impairment, which limits their ability to function independently in their home community, or environment, or engage in employment;
be able to benefit from independent living services to achieve a greater level of independence; and
live or work in Santa Clara County, or be unable to receive independent living services that SVILC provides in your own county of residence.
(408) 278-2163 or arelyv@sacredheartcs.org
(925) 943-5852
Age 60 or older.
Live in Contra Costa County.
Able to walk with the aid of a cane, walker, knee scooter, crutches, or elbow assistance
Income based
Landlines in Contra Costa, call toll free (800) 510-2020
Cell phones or outside Contra Costa, call (925) 229-8434
TDD line for the hearing impaired, call (925) 602-4198
707.309.8972, CURAproject@laplazancc.org
cvc94117@gmail.com or 415-754-0560
residents of South Berkeley/Ashby BART area
(408) 535-4299
(415) 306-0437 or immigration@canalalliance.org (immigration), or (415) 454-2640 (social services referrals)
(707) 449-5100 or seniorhelp@cityofvacaville.com
(707) 996-0111
(707) 996-0311
Seniors 65+
(408) 321-2381
(707) 224-8885, (707) 224-8971
(707) 224-1786
team@goodfairy.org or text/call (415) 488-6594
Residents of Marin County
510-343-6670 or info@dcara.org
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind, Hearing parent of Deaf child, or Child of Deaf Adults
(510) 519-6770 (voicemail only), berkeleymutualaid@gmail.com
Berkeley or nearby resident
(510) 548-2570
(510) 306-2434, eastbaymutualaid@gmail.com
Anyone in Alameda County who has financial need may receive food assistance twice a month.
(415) 355-6700
(310) 779-2621 or clarityburke@gmail.com

CalFresh is California’s supplemental nutrition program to help low-income families buy grocery and healthy food. Get the facts on CalFresh and enroll online.
If you need help getting food delivered to your home, please contact a mutual aid network in your area.
Below are resources to free food and hygiene products in your local area.
All Resources
Residency in Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, and West San Jose, income based.
510-371-4465, oaklandpunkswithlunch@gmail.com
(510) 835-9610
(510) 794-3437
All people in need. You may be asked for a social security or paycheck documentation in order to prove your eligibility for the program.
707 447-5482
Residents of Vacaville, Allendale and Elmira.
• Meet VACA FISH low income requirements.
• Have not received food from VACA FISH for at least 30 days.
• Can present picture identification when picking up food.
• Do not receive food from another organization on the same day.
UC Berkeley community
residents of 94107 and 94110 zip codes
Residents of Sunnyvale and Alviso neighborhood of San Jose
(707) 579-2604
Drive Thru
Residents of South Santa Clara County
(650) 365-9664
Number varies by location
Seniors 60+
(510) 936-1206
Must be a Tri-City resident (may ask for ID but not required)
Santa Clara County residents with COVID-19. Income based.
Call 211
(650) 341-4081
Income based.
SAFEFOODSF2020@GMAIL.COM or (415)763-1227
Residents of Santa Clara County
hospitality workers
(707) 823-1640 Ext. 403
Income based
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
707 765-8488
(707) 765-8488 or admin@petalumapeople.org
Text “Grocery” to (510) 694 4400
(707)528-8463 or rccinfo@redwoodcovenant.org
low income 60+ or disabled individuals 55+
kathleen@j-sei.org or call (510) 654-4000 x15
Must be at least 60 years of age.
Should have some level of difficulty shopping, cooking and leaving the home.
Must complete a home visit and assessment with staff.
Must live within our delivery area. Contact us for more information.
careteam.homies@gmail.com or 510.485.2224
510.485.2224, Homiesempowerment@gmail.com
You must be a resident of Santa Clara County who is homebound and has difficulty getting your own meals due to a medical condition or isolation.
(707) 433-3663
(707) 887-1647 ext. 119, NinaR@FFTfoodbank.org
People affected by HIV, COVID-19, cancer and other serious medical conditions
(707) 927-3213 or info@fifnv.org
(707) 557-7933
408 239 6668
Landlines in Contra Costa, call toll free (800) 510-2020
Cell phones or outside Contra Costa, call (925) 229-8434
TDD line for the hearing impaired, call (925) 602-4198
(510) 548-4040
(650) 991-8007
(650) 968-0836
(650) 968-0836
(415) 644-0504
(707) 644-8909
adults 50 years of age and older.
Berkeley and Albany residents
510-790-6600 or agewellcenters@fremont.gov
missionfoodhub@gmail.com or (415) 206-0577
(925) 513-6338 or knisen@brentwood.k12.ca.us
students in the independent study program
925-671-0702 | RefugeConcord@gmail.com
(925) 439-5060
Residents of East Contra Costa County
(510) 215-4860 (shelter), (510) 215-4887 (food pantry)
(925) 937-8311
Seniors 60+ who are unable to prepare food themselves
(925) 825-7751
Must bring ID for all adults over 18, birth certificates for children, proof of address and income assistance
Senior 60+
(707) 449-5100 or seniorhelp@cityofvacaville.com
info@northmarincs.org, 415-897-4147
low-income Novato residents
(415) 449-3700
(415) 454-3303
(650) 780-7542
60+ in San Mateo County
(415) 677-7600
(650) 780-7259
(650) 365-9664
(707) 996-0111
(650) 994-5150
ages 55+
(408) 780-8085, safefooddalycity@gmail.com
Email clientcareteam@ceresproject.org or Call (707) 829-5833 Ext. 201 (English) Ext. 203 (Spanish)
Marin or Sonoma County residents with health challenges, income-based. Must be stably housed and able to refrigerate and reheat meals. If you don’t qualify, fee-based meals are available on a case-by-case basis for $90 per person / week for 7 weekly meals. If you are not in Sonoma or Marin counties, you may get meals through the Affiliate Partner Network.
(408) 350-3200 option 1
Santa Clara residents. Seniors 60+, living alone or homebound
(408) 809-2124
(707) 433-6161
Homeless/at-risk individuals
Homeless/at-risk families with children under the age of 18
Individuals and families who need rental and utility assistance
People who live in one of these four cities: Healdsburg, Windsor, Cloverdale, Geyserville
(415) 456-9062 ext. 176
Anyone living in Marin County with a chronic or acute limitation, of any age, in need of home delivered meals.
(707) 427-1148,
(707) 425-0638
Any person age 60 or over, who is home-bound and unable to prepare their own meals.
•The spouse, partner, or primary live-in caregiver of any qualified senior, regardless of age or condition.
•A disabled family member (under 60), residing at home with a qualified senior.
No eligibility requirements
First-come, first-served
(707) 784-8050
(707) 253-4511, or (800) 464-4214
(408) 423-2077, or email nutritionservices@scusd.net.
eburke@srcs.k12.ca.us, 707-890-3807
(707) 523-7903
(707) 542-0998 or (707) 542-0981
Identification – Photo I.D. for all adults in the household and identification for all children residing in the household (i.e. birth certificate, Social Security card or Medical card).
Must provide proof of current address.
(800) 984-3663, text GETFOOD to (408) 455-5181 or email getfood@shfb.org
Anyone in need regardless of citizenship or immigration status, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
415-457-INFO (4636)
Seniors 60+
(650) 312-1968
(415) 557-5100
CalFresh and CalWORKs recipients
(510) 548-2884, staff@womensdropin.org
(415) 822-9404 ext. 4235
CalFresh and CalWORKs recipients
(510) 598-4068
Alameda County residents
(800) 884-8119
(510) 835-8683
Call each location, or (415) 777-9622 (General)
Pregnant, a parent or a custodial guardian with a child 17 years old or younger
(415) 406-1370
(510) 235-9732
Need to show ID and declare monthly household income
(510) 347-4620
extension 150
income based. Residents of San Leandro or the Eden area, including San Lorenzo, Castro Valley, Ashland and Cherryland of Hayward .
(855) 309-3663
(510) 793-5683
residents of Fremont, Newark and Union
(925) 293-4792
(415) 552-0240
To access services, individuals living in the participating SRO’s must bring a recent rental receipt and a valid form of identification. https://www.northbeachcitizens.org/our-work
Anyone in Alameda County who has financial need may receive food assistance twice a month.
(415) 282-1900
Anyone who considers themselves in need of food qualifies for assistance from Food Bank programs and pantries.
(510) 785-3663
(510) 961-4385
(510) 523-5850
People who live, work or go to school in the City of Alameda
(510) 525-2280
Berkeley or Albany residents
(800) 870-FOOD (3663) or (510) 635-3663, M-F 9am-4pm
Anyone in Alameda County who has financial need may receive food assistance twice a month.
(415) 355-6700
(415) 546-1333
(510) 582-1263 ext. 101 (Oakland), (510) 582-1263 ext. 114 (Castro Valley, Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo)
60+, do not have caregiver, cannot shop for food
(415) 421-6443 ext. 34 for more info
Must be SF resident, senior 60+ or with a disability
(415) 674-6000
no eligibility requirements
510-990-0775, info@eastoaklandcollective.com
(510) 535-6123
Seniors ages 62+
Low income SF residents 60+ Homebound or unable to prepare meals, unable to shop for yourself, recent hospital stay or ongoing health problems, living alone or with a caregiver. For complete eligibility see https://www.mowsf.org/get-started
(510) 534-8540 ext. 369.
Alameda County residents 60 and up and income less than 232% of the federal poverty line
(925) 500-8241 (seniors)
(925) 580-1616 (general)
anyone in need
(415) 447-2379
Registered clients, San Francisco resident seniors (60 years or older) and adults with disabilities (18 – 59 years old).
San Francisco (800) 551-6325 or 415-447-2326.
Oakland (Alameda County) (510) 622-0221.
Residents of San Francisco and Alameda County with primary diagnoses. https://www.openhand.org/get-meals/how-apply

There is no out of pocket cost for COVID-19 testing, and you can get tested for free even if you do not have insurance. Learn more about testing on the state site or search for your county below.
COVID vaccines are free. Learn more about COVID vaccines on the state site or search for your county.
Sign up for for Covered California or Medi-Cal and get covered by the first day of the next month. Low-income families not eligible for Medi-Cal, and undocumented immigrants, may be able to get health coverage through county programs or through community clinics.
Below are organizations and agencies that provide health care, mental health services and substance abuse counseling in your local area.
All Resources
(510) 835-9610
(707) 545-7273
(408) 885-5000
(510) 471-5880
Essential workers and their families
707/255.0966 ext.132
(408) 350-3200, option 1.
(408) 894-9041
You must: be a person with a significant disability or impairment, which limits their ability to function independently in their home community, or environment, or engage in employment;
be able to benefit from independent living services to achieve a greater level of independence; and
live or work in Santa Clara County, or be unable to receive independent living services that SVILC provides in your own county of residence.
415-989-7374, questions@sgrhotline.org
San Francisco Unified School District high school students
(650) 578-0400 (San Mateo), (650) 839-1447 (Redwood City)
(510) 374-3401
707-823-1640, x207, then press 0
(408) 490-4710
(925) 692-2056
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
(415) 892-1643, ext 239
(415) 502-8336
Call or text (510) 535-4400 for Oakland and (415) 417-3501 for San Francisco.
(925) 682-8248
(415) 552-3870
415-473-6666 (Crisis Stabilization Unit) or
415-473-6392 (Mobile Crisis Response Team)
(510) 204-7979 (Berkeley), (510) 877-3365 (Richmond), (510) 974-0475 (Pinole), (510) 231-9800 (San Pablo)
(510) 981-4100
Medical clinic: (415) 673-0911 ext. 259. Behavioral health: bhwellness@larkinstreetyouth.org
For ages 25 and under
510-634-8819 (Mujeres con esperanza- Alameda County), 510-300-3170
(Mujeres con esperanza- Contra Costa County and Latino Family Services), 510-731-4558 (Youth for Change)
Involved with the justice system
Undocumented young people who feel comfortable having conversations in English
careteam.homies@gmail.com or 510.485.2224
(510) 790-3366
or hfrc@heraldinternational.org
(408) 977-4550
Accepting Medi-Cal, Medicare, most private insurances. Financial counselors available for patients without insurance.
BIPOC and undocumented people prioritized
(408) 538-0880
Landlines in Contra Costa, call toll free (800) 510-2020
Cell phones or outside Contra Costa, call (925) 229-8434
TDD line for the hearing impaired, call (925) 602-4198
(510) 548-4040
Alameda County, or Contra Costa Residents who are living with HIV. Income based.
(628) 217-5700
San Francisco youth ages 12 to 25, tailored to LGBTQ+, income requirements. If you live out of San Francisco you must pay out of pocket or have insurance that allows you to select your own doctor.
(707) 428-1131
(415) 644-0504
Call (800) 670-7273 or text “CVS” to 20121
Members of the community and McClymond’s high school students
Low-income and immigrant families with children birth to 18-years-old,
Recently arrived unaccompanied children and families in San Francisco Immigration Court
707-648-8121 (Vallejo)
(415) 781-0401
Income based
1(877) 427-7134
Anyone aged 3 mos-18 years can visit the Breathmobile with a parent or guardian by appointment. You do not need to have insurance. There are no citizenship requirements.
800-551-5554 (legal advice line)
(925) 934-0901
General: (408)341-6080, Crisis line: (408) 294-0579
650.424.0852 x108
(408) 975-2730
(415) 822-1707
Youth 12-24. Youth need Medi-Cal or Healthy Families. Youth under 18 need permission from a parent or guardian.
CALL OR TEXT: (510) 999-9MH1
(408) 535-4299
(415) 306-0437 or immigration@canalalliance.org (immigration), or (415) 454-2640 (social services referrals)
(415) 457-8182 ext. 111 (Health)
(707) 428-1131
(415) 448-1500
(415) 339-8813
(707) 547-2221
(707) 585-7780
(707) 576-8181
(855) 587-6373
707-948-6640 for Napa County and 707-595-8961 for Sonoma County.
Hotline: (888) 729-0012, (707) 595-0688
(800)488-9919 (general and youth after hours), (408)272-6518 (youth), (408) 794-0660 (prevention services)
(800) 704-0900
19+ residents of Santa Clara County, 200% or less of FPL
(408) 809-2124
211, or (877) 699-6868
(707) 784-8050
(707) 253-4511, or (800) 464-4214
(707) 643-0054
(707) 299-1885 (English), (707) 299-1884 (Spanish), (707) 255-0966 ext. 132 (Bilingual intake)
Napa County residents ages 5 and older who can’t get access to mental health care because of high cost, inadequate health insurance coverage or other reasons.
(707) 253-4711
(408) 453-0400 option 1
(855) 278-4204
Text RENEW to 741741
510-343-6670 or info@dcara.org
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind, Hearing parent of Deaf child, or Child of Deaf Adults
(855) 812-1001
(415) 333-HELP
(855) 378-4374 or text COVID to 55753
(415) 777–9992
SF residents, income based
(888) 843-4564, help@LGBThotline.org, https://www.glbthotline.org/peer-chat.html
(510) 481-4566
Children 3-18 years old. Students from World and Achieve Academies, Urban Promise Academy (UPA) Middle School, and children from the wider Fruitvale community.
All students that attend schools in the La Escuelita Education Center are welcome to use the center including students from La Escuelita Elementary School, MetWest High School, Dewey High School, and Yuk Yao Annex/Centro Infantil Annex Child Development Center. Siblings of students can access all services, as long as the siblings are between the ages of 3-21. Health insurance is not required and all services are provided without charge to students.
(510) 428-3556
members of the community and Castlemont high school students
See website
(510) 777-1177
(415) 781-0500
(866) 488-7386 or text START to 678678
(877) 565-8860
Must sign up for text alerts
Chronically ill folks returning from incarceration
(800) 491-9099
Alameda County residents with an ACBHCS insurance plan
(510) 891-8950
See website for phone numbers and locations
Low-income families and undocumented immigrants below 200% of the federal poverty line
(855) 845-7415
Download CVS app or sign up for text alerts
(510) 839-0929
Oakland youth ages 12-24
(510) 548-2570
1-800-309-2131 or Text SAFE to 20121
Text HOME to 741-741
English – 1-877-333-5885
Spanish – 1-888-971-2013
(877) 797-7299, coviaconnections@covia.org
adults aged 60 and over who live in the United States
Seniors and people with disabilities

The statewide eviction moratorium has ended, but the California Attorney General has put together a list of protections that may apply to you. Additionally, your local jurisdiction may have moratoriums, emergency ordinances or other protections in place for renters, tenants in affordable housing units and SROs (single room occupancy or residential hotels).
Below are resources to get advice on and support in paying rent and utilities.
All Resources
Residents of Sunnyvale and Alviso neighborhood of San Jose
Graciela Ramirez 408.842.6662 x21
Income based
(415) 255-7693 (English) (415) 552-5637 (Tagalog)
(408) 894-9041
You must: be a person with a significant disability or impairment, which limits their ability to function independently in their home community, or environment, or engage in employment;
be able to benefit from independent living services to achieve a greater level of independence; and
live or work in Santa Clara County, or be unable to receive independent living services that SVILC provides in your own county of residence.
(415) 551-3000
SFPUC customers, income requirements
Santa Clara County residents with COVID-19. Income based.
Income based
1-877-278-6477 or heap@sacredheartcs.org
Santa Clara county, income requirements
Income based
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
(510) 287-8465 or vethousing@operationdignity.org
info@northmarincs.org or 415-897-4147 ext. 0
Novato resident for six months. Your landlord or mortgage holder must be willing to accept a check from North Marin Community Services. Can show a temporary financial situation due to unanticipated circumstances or events. You are “very low-income” or “extremely low-income.” Check the HUD income limits to see if your household income qualifies.
(925) 682-8248
support@midtownfs.org, (408) 642-5852
(415) 473-2223
For ages 25 and under
510-574-2028 (English. See website for phone numbers for the other supported languages. Your call will be returned if you have to leave a message.)
Landlords and tenants in Fremont. Income based.
415-703-8644, 415-947-9085
San Francisco renters
The program is targeted toward low-income renters and their landlords.
Residents of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, income based.
(510) 271-8443
(408) 975-4444, evictionhelp@sanjoseca.gov
Landlines in Contra Costa, call toll free (800) 510-2020
Cell phones or outside Contra Costa, call (925) 229-8434
TDD line for the hearing impaired, call (925) 602-4198
(510) 548-4040
Alameda County, or Contra Costa Residents who are living with HIV. Income based.
925-825-3099 or 510-768-3100 or email us at housingservices@cceb.org
510-860-4985 or housingservices@cceb.org
415.513.5177 or counseling@bishopsf.org
800-551-5554 (legal advice line)
SPARE@OaklandCA.gov or leave a message at 510-238-2942
You must be the owner and occupant of the property, fill out the appropriate form, and submit with income documentation for the corresponding year. Measures D & Q have a higher income limit for Seniors 65 or older which requires age documentation.
(408) 535-4299
(707) 652-7311
You must live in Fairfield, have suffered and be able to demonstrate a financial loss from COVID.
Income based.
(415) 492-0230 ext. 102
(650) 780-7500
(650) 326-6440
(707) 996-0111
(707) 542-1290 (General), info@legalaidsc.com
Must live or have a case in Sonoma County. Income based.
(707) 528-9941
(650) 558-0915
(650) 968-0836 or renthelp@csacares.org
Mountain View residents below 120% Area Median Income impacted by COVID-19
housinginfo@sacredheartcs.org or call (408) 709-2364.
You must be a resident of Santa Clara county for 30 days and be a resident of one of the following zip codes: 95008, 95110, 95111, 95112 (South of Santa Clara Street), 95113, 95116, 95117, 95118, 95120, 95123, 95124, 95125, 95126, 95128, 95136
(408) 809-2124
For housing: For emergency intake, call during intake hours: Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri, 9am-11:30am or for non-emergencies, fill out https://www.lawfoundation.org/housing
For issues relating to children and youth, call (408) 280-2416. For health related issues, call (408) 280-2420 during intake hours- M-F, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
(408) 287-9710
(707) 299-1890, seasonofsharing@countyofnapa.org
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
(415) 526-7500
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
(650) 738-7470 (Anita Rees)
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
(408) 755-7710
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
(707) 784-8050 (Fairfield), (707) 553-5000 (Vallejo), (707) 469-4500 (Vacaville)
legal permanent resident immigrants who have been denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits solely due to their immigration status.
(707) 643-0054
The registrant must reside in Solano County
The registrant or a household member must have suffered a loss of income or financial hardship due to COVID-19.
The registrant must be able to demonstrate the change in income due to COVID-19 with supporting documents
510-343-6670 or info@dcara.org
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind, Hearing parent of Deaf child, or Child of Deaf Adults
(510) 437-1554 or info@centrolegal.org
For emergency financial assistance:
BACS: Apply online: housing.bayareacs.org , 510-899-9289 (text or call)
Catholic Charities East Bay (CCEB): 510-768-3100
For legal representation:
East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC) : 510-548-4040, – ask for housing intake.
For supportive services:
BACS: 510-899-9289 (text or call)
Catholic Charities East Bay (CCEB): 510-768-3100
All Oakland residents experiencing a housing crisis who have a household income at or below 30% of Area Median Income, with priority to extremely low-income households. Legal representation will be provided to tenants with an active eviction lawsuit up to 50% AMI.
(415) 538-3333
San Francisco residents age sixty and over and San Francisco residents with disabilities age eighteen to fifty-nine, regardless of income.
Phone: 415-701-5653
Email: seasonofsharing@sfgov.org
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
Families with dependent children
Persons who are age 55 and older
Disabled individuals
Individuals in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Survivors of intimate partner violence
Transitioning emancipated foster youth between 18 and 24
(510) 272-3700
Seniors 55+, people with disabilities, low-med income, foster youth, veterans, DV survivors, etc.
(415) 282-6622, info@sftu.org
(415) 771-9850 ext. 9
San Francisco renters
(510) 836-2687 (Oakland), (415) 487-9203 (San Francisco)
(415) 984-2728
Call the Eviction Defense Center (EDC) at (510) 452-4541. Leave a message with
your name
phone number
and that you are Berkeley resident seeking assistance
Berkeley residents or Berkeley Shelter Plus Care/Rapid Rehousing tenants who are at imminent risk of losing their permanent housing.
The grant must prevent eviction or support housing related financial assistance due to loss of income during COVID-19 pandemic.
Household must be at or below 80% Area Median income.
Additional requirements can be seen here https://www.cityofberkeley.info/covid19-housing-retention/
(415) 470-5211
or edcradco@evictiondefense.org
San Francisco residents, income based. You must not be a Housing Authority tenant. Your household must have sufficient income to pay your future rent and expenses. You must plan to stay in your home for at least six months.
Families participating in National School Lunch Program and Head Start
(888) 321-5880, ourteamassurancewireless@sprint.com
(800) 743-5000 (General)
based on income or employment status – check for more info
Check if you qualify at https://getemergencybroadband.org/
Income based

Receiving testing, treatment and vaccination for COVID-19 will NOT be used against immigrants in a Public Charge test. ICE will not carry out enforcement operations at or near health care facilities. Immigrant families should seek the care they need during this time.
Click here to see what to do should you be affected by a raid.
Below are organizations that provide counseling, services and financial support for immigrants in your local area.
All Resources
(415) 410 – 4148 or email ccarrera@werisesf.org or cporras@werisesf.org
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
(408) 261-6405
(925) 682-8248
programs@missionassetfund.org or 888.274.4808
Income based
(510) 271-8443
Text “NATZ” to (959) 999 9598
Call (510) 465 9876
(510) 548-4040
Alameda County, or Contra Costa Residents who are living with HIV. Income based.
(510) 768-3100
Low-income and immigrant families with children birth to 18-years-old,
Recently arrived unaccompanied children and families in San Francisco Immigration Court
800-551-5554 (legal advice line)
(415) 861-7444 or info@araborganizing.org
(925) 900-5151
Refugee Cash Assistance: (877) 505-4630. Cash Assistance for Immigrants: (877) 505-4630
(415) 306-0437 or immigration@canalalliance.org (immigration), or (415) 454-2640 (social services referrals)
(415) 782-1600, (415) 989-1616 (lawyer referral)
Income based
(650) 326-6440
(650) 558-0915
(408) 290-1144
(408) 453-3003
(408) 287-9710
(707) 784-8050 (Fairfield), (707) 553-5000 (Vallejo), (707) 469-4500 (Vacaville)
legal permanent resident immigrants who have been denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits solely due to their immigration status.
(707) 800-4544
510-343-6670 or info@dcara.org
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind, Hearing parent of Deaf child, or Child of Deaf Adults
(415) 567 6255 (SF)
(510) 251 2846 (East Bay)
(415) 972-1200
(510) 437-1554 or info@centrolegal.org
(415) 404-9093
Income based
(415) 200-1548
(510) 836-2687 (Oakland), (415) 487-9203 (San Francisco)
(415) 575-3500

Below are resources for people who are currently incarcerated, recently released or impacted by the criminal injustice system. Check our resources on Support for the Unhoused for where to go for housing after getting out.
All Resources
support@midtownfs.org, (408) 642-5852
Involved with the justice system
800-551-5554 (legal advice line)
Chronically ill folks returning from incarceration
(510) 899-5010
Fill out an application to be considered. https://impactjustice.org/wp-content/uploads/Homecoming-Participant-Application.pdf
(510) 279-4662

Below are resources for people experiencing homelessness in your local area.
All Resources
Residency in Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, and West San Jose, income based.
510-371-4465, oaklandpunkswithlunch@gmail.com
(408) 885-5000
415-454-3303 ext. 25
Currently experiencing homelessness in Marin County and is required to complete a Help Desk intake appointment with a staff member
408-510-7600 or outreach@homefirstscc.org
Residents of Santa Clara County
650-879-1691 (Pescadero), (650) 747-0248 (La Honda)
650-861-0181, contact@movemv.org
The City’s Program Participation Preferences are for (1) families with students in Mountain View school districts; (2) those who live/work in Mountain View; (3) seniors; and (4) the disabled.
(415) 552-3870
support@midtownfs.org, (408) 642-5852
211, 650-853-8672
(510) 446-7180
For ages 25 and under
careteam.homies@gmail.com or 510.485.2224
415-491-2559 (single adults), 415-457-2115 (families)
(510) 548-4040
(510) 548-4040
Alameda County, or Contra Costa Residents who are living with HIV. Income based.
(650) 991-8007
(415) 644-0504
Youth 13-25
(510) 653-3808 – info@acnetmhc.org
800-551-5554 (legal advice line)
(510) 233-2141
(925) 439-5060
Residents of East Contra Costa County
(510) 215-4860 (shelter), (510) 215-4887 (food pantry)
(408) 535-4299
(415) 457-8182 ext. 111 (Health)
(415) 454-3303
(415) 526-7500
(650) 780-7500
(707) 939-6777 or office@sonomaovernightsupport.org
(866) 542-5480, CE@srcharities.org
(408) 809-2124
(707) 433-6161
Homeless/at-risk individuals
Homeless/at-risk families with children under the age of 18
Individuals and families who need rental and utility assistance
People who live in one of these four cities: Healdsburg, Windsor, Cloverdale, Geyserville
(707) 427-1148,
(707) 528-8712
(650) 330-8000 or info@projectwehope.com, (650) 779-4635 (shelter)
(707) 251-9432 (Napa), (707) 579-4327 (Santa Rosa), (707) 917-5904 (Vallejo)
(707) 652-7311
The registrant must reside in Solano County
The registrant or a household member must have suffered a loss of income or financial hardship due to COVID-19.
The registrant must be able to demonstrate the change in income due to COVID-19 with supporting documents
510-343-6670 or info@dcara.org
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind, Hearing parent of Deaf child, or Child of Deaf Adults
(510) 548-2884, staff@womensdropin.org
(415) 255 – 0165
Pregnant, a parent or a custodial guardian with a child 17 years old or younger
(510) 777-1177
(510) 891-8950
For emergency financial assistance:
BACS: Apply online: housing.bayareacs.org , 510-899-9289 (text or call)
Catholic Charities East Bay (CCEB): 510-768-3100
For legal representation:
East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC) : 510-548-4040, – ask for housing intake.
For supportive services:
BACS: 510-899-9289 (text or call)
Catholic Charities East Bay (CCEB): 510-768-3100
All Oakland residents experiencing a housing crisis who have a household income at or below 30% of Area Median Income, with priority to extremely low-income households. Legal representation will be provided to tenants with an active eviction lawsuit up to 50% AMI.
(415) 470-5211
or edcradco@evictiondefense.org
San Francisco residents, income based. You must not be a Housing Authority tenant. Your household must have sufficient income to pay your future rent and expenses. You must plan to stay in your home for at least six months.
(415) 674-6000
no eligibility requirements
(415) 430-6320
(415) 972-1281
Below you will find information about vaccines and testing by county.
All Resources
(800) 672-0150
510.268.2101 or ncov@acgov.org

If you are laid off or working reduced hours, or temporarily out of work and plan to return to the same employer, apply for Unemployment Insurance online or call 800-300-5616 (you may experience long wait time on the phone). You can also reach out to one of the organizations below for support.
California’s paid sick leave law gives most workers paid time off to recover from an illness or to care for a sick family member, accruing at least 1 hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Your local governments may also have existing or emergency paid sick leave laws that allow you to have additional paid time off. You may also be eligible to receive up to 6 weeks of partial pay to care for an ill or quarantined family member with COVID-19 under CA Paid Family Leave (PFL) law. File a PFL claim online here.
If you are unable to work due to medical quarantine or COVID-19, you may be eligible to receive Disability Insurance. If you were exposed to and contracted COVID-19 at work and are unable to work, you may qualify for Workers’ Compensation and may receive up to two-thirds of your gross wages.
See undocumented immigrants’ eligibility for these benefits here.
Below are resources to get help on workplace-related issues and potential financial assistance in your local area.
All Resources
(415) 410 – 4148 or email ccarrera@werisesf.org or cporras@werisesf.org
hospitality workers
workforce.connection@sfgov.org or call 415-701-4817
Workers in San Francisco
programs@missionassetfund.org or 888.274.4808
(408) 535-4299
(415) 306-0437 or immigration@canalalliance.org (immigration), or (415) 454-2640 (social services referrals)
(415) 782-1600, (415) 989-1616 (lawyer referral)
Income based
(415) 492-0230 ext. 102
(650) 780-7500
(650) 326-6440
(707) 528-9941
(650) 558-0915
(866) 879-7725
(408) 809-2124
(707) 643-0054
(415) 567 6255 (SF)
(510) 251 2846 (East Bay)
(415) 404-9093
Income based
(415) 896-1701
(855) 655-8724
Bartenders or spouses or children of bartenders
(404) 655-4690
Food & beverage service workers with children with one of the following:
Significant medical diagnosis or injury including COVID,
Death of an immediate family member (child or parent/legal guardian),
Loss of life or home,
Documented Domestic Violence
(415) 575-3500
Service workers impacted by COVID-19
People who are employed by or own restaurants or bars, or are employed by a restaurant or bar supplier that are facing unforeseen expenses that cannot or will not be covered by insurance.
(415) 442-6647